NOW that you are a Member!

WELCOME to the Largest Republican Women’s Organization in Texas…
Welcome to Central Texas Republican Women. CTRW, established in 1964, is the oldest Republican Women’s Club in Bell County. “Inspiring Women” for over 60 years, members of CTRW have dedicated their time and efforts where it made a difference in Bell County, electing Republicans.
You are now a member of Central Texas Republican Women (CTRW), the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW), and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). TFRW is the largest Republican Women’s organization in Texas, with over 14,000 members. TFRW addresses State issues, and NFRW addresses National issues.
You will want to take advantage of all the great information available from all these Organizations, making you an informed Republican Woman. Here is a list to help you get started:
Check the CTRW Website periodically for updates on upcoming events.
Like our FaceBook Page
Login on the TFRW Website for exclusive Member information.
(Your user ID is your email address…follow the prompts to establish a password.)
Login on the NFRW Website for exclusive Member information.
(Your user ID is your email address…follow the prompts to establish a password.)
TFRW and NFRW offer great digital libraries, speaker information, events, and training.
Our Monthly Newsletter is emailed monthly (Except for Summer Months), and major event notifications from CTRW.
In addition, TFRW will email a monthly newsletter and major Calls to Legislative Action. NFRW sends out weekly updates and links to Zoom Training and new digital materials available exclusively to members. TFRW and NFRW give you the tools to become educated and informed. Share the information you learn. It’s up to you.
Interested in serving on a CTRW committee:
CTRW has several Committees that need your help:
Membership, Fundraising, Campaign Activities, Legislative, Americanism, Conventions, Caring for America,
Hospitality, Awards, Literacy, and Social Media.
Chairs are listed in your monthly Newsletter and on the CTRW Website.
Consider volunteering…. Contact Chairs and volunteer to serve on one of these committees.
Consider running for a CTRW office position
Yearly Elections are held in November of every year.
Our Bylaws are posted on our Website, and Minutes from Monthly meetings are also posted.
Our Yearly Calendar is also available. Looking for your elected officials, there’s a link for that too…
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Your CTRW Officers will be happy to help you find the answers.
Consider volunteering at the Republican Party of Bell County Headquarters:
Headquarters is located at:
204 N East St. Suite A-1, Belton, TX 76513
Hours 9:00 am -1:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday
PHONE: 254-831-5200
Contact our County Chairwoman, Addie Baird
During the off-season, Headquarters is only opened Tuesday and Thursday.
During the Primary Season, it is open every day of the week.
Together we make a difference. Remember, Strength is in numbers.
It’s up to all of us to ensure that the best Republican Candidates are elected, and we hold them accountable once they are elected. We must ensure that our Conservative values remain strong in our efforts to KEEP TEXAS RED!