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Central Texas Republican Women, PAC

Primary Member: Your Primary Club Status is CTRW and a Female Member

Associate Member: Primary Club status is another Club or Male Member


Order a CTRW Name Badge Below - $20 + $2 CC Fee

Membership Levels (include a Credit Card Convenience fee)
Primary Membership $30 + $2 CC fee = $3232
Associate Membership $30 +$2 CC fee = $3232
Youth Membership $15 + $2 CC Fee = $17 (Age 12-17)17
Patron Primary Membership $200 +10 CC Fee = $210210
Patron Associate $200 + $10 CC Fee = $210210
Name Badge $20 + $2 CC Fee = $2222

DISCLAIMER: Political ad paid for by CTRW (PAC) which is a nonprofit organization under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code C. Contributions to CTRW (PAC) are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Corporate contributions are not permitted. Not authorized by any candidate.

@2025 Central Texas Republican Women, All Rights Reserved


DISCLAIMER:Political ad paid for by CTRW(PAC) which is a nonprofit organization under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code C. Contributions to CTRW(PAC)

are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.  Corporate contributions are not permitted.  Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

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