Welcome to Central Texas Republican Women, PAC. The PAC stands for Political Action Committee. Membership is open to all Republicans, and we want to meet you, and we NEED YOU to help keep our great state of Texas RED.
Central Texas Republican Women Support Republican Values!
Central Texas Republican Women (CTRW) is a grassroots organization chartered in 1964 that works for and promotes Republican principles and candidates. We do this by working with Republican Party candidates, being informed politically, and promoting the effectiveness of Conservative Republican women in government.
Look around, and please consider being part of a vibrant and energized patriotic Bell County Texas Club with great activities planned throughout the year. Our goal is to engage and empower women to be involved in politics - locally and on the state scene. And, men and supporters, we have a membership level, so you can stay informed and be involved.
What Do We Do...
Elect and support Conservative Republican Candidates and Elected Officials
Event Plan; Fundraise; Block-walk; Telephone Calls; Register Voters; Volunteer for GOP Teams; Campaign Sign Teams; Become Precinct Chairs; Get Out The Vote
EDUCATE and Train other Conservative Republicans
Give Back to the Community
ENCOURAGE Young Conservatives to be involved
ENGAGE and EMPOWER Women to be involved in politics at a local or state level.
President's February Message - CTRW
Janet Brown, President - CTRW
Friends, Let's all work together to help keep TEXAS RED!
I hope you have participated in one of the many significant events that Central Texas RW is organizing. We had a fantastic kick-off meeting with guest presenter Debra Longley, Executive Director of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Central Texas. She raised awareness of the vital work this non-profit offers our community while serving children who have experienced abuse so there can be justice and healing. An Arctic cold front will not stop Republicans from watching Donald J. Trump's comeback as President. The January RED ROOF Connection Presidential Inauguration Watch Party was a massive success with a fantastic turnout. Once again, we helped support a small local business through this CTRW program. Cantina1948 said they were thrilled to have the Central Texas RW community in the house. Your patronage made a positive impact on them and members of their staff—thank you. We also want to thank Austin Spectrum News 1 reporter Erin Davis for attending to see how Central Texas RW supports our community. February is full of opportunities to grow and lead as Republicans. We are always at our best when creating relationships; the perfect recipe is to build a bridge rather than a fence. Regarding February, RSVP for Member Orientation on Feb. 8th, Networking Lunch with guest speaker Steve Munesteri on Feb. 17th, and a Situational Awareness CRASE course on Feb. 24th. Capital Tuesday trips to the Austin Capital for Legislative visits will happen on Feb. 11th and Feb. 25th. Central Texas RW activities for our members to be engaged in are in full swing, and I look forward to welcoming you. Friends, remember we are stronger together. Keep Texas and Bell County RED! Let’s GO!

February Meeting News
Central Texas RW Networking Lunch
February 17, 2025
Guest Speaker: Steve Munesteri
Senior Advisor and Policy Director for Texas Governor Greg Abbott
We are proud to announce our Guest Speaker for the Februay Central Texas Networking lunch meeting is Steve Munesteri is an American attorney who in December 2020, joined the office of Texas Governor Abbott as Senior Adviser and Policy Director. This will be a wonderful opportunity to hear what is on the horizon as the 89th Legislative Session begins. Plan to join us at this month's networking lunch and invite a friend to see what Central Texas RW is all about.
EVENT: Central Texas RW Networking Lunch
DATE: Monday - February 17, 2025
TIME: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Doors open: 11 am
Lunch Served: 11:30 am
Meeting Called to Order: 11:45 am
PLACE: Harris Community Center, 401 N. Alexander Street, Belton
COST: $20 Cash/Check or $22 Credit Card
NO MEAL: $10 Cash/Check or $12 Credit Card (No outside food is permitted)
RSVP REQUIRED BY 02.13/2025 by email at rsvpctrw@gmail.com
RSVP PrePay by 02/13/2025
Lunch Menu: Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Salad, dessert, iced tea, Sweet Tea, Water
RSVP, or Pre-Pay by 02/13/2025, and your name will be included in the Door prize Drawing. RSVP Today!

More about our guest speaker: Steve Munesteri is an attorney who ichaired the Republican Party of Texas from 2010 to 2015. In 2017, he was appointed to the White House staff as Deputy Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Public Liaison. Munesteri was elected chairman at the state convention held in Dallas in 2010. Early in his political career, Munesteri served as state chairman of the Texas Chapter of Young Americans for Freedom and founded the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) in 1980. Munesteri stepped down as party chairman to join U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky as a senior advisor to Paul’s 2016 presidential campaign.In 2017, Munesteri served as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director for the Office of Public Liaison in the Trump Administration. He left the Trump Administration in 2019 to help run the 2020 re-election campaign of Texas Senator John Cornyn. In December 2020, he joined the office of Texas Governor Abbott as Senior Adviser and Policy Director.
Join Central Texas RW
Bring a friend and join CTRW. We need you! Central Texas Republican Women—"Educating and Empowering Women For Better Government in Bell County and All Across Texas."
RSVP, or Pre-Pay by 02/13/2025, and your name will be included in the Door prize Drawing. RSVP Today!
As this exciting year begins, please celebrate with us as CTRW prepares for an energizing 89th Legislative Session, Leadership Training, Conventions, and Awards.
We look forward to seeing you! Please bring a friend and ask them to join the most prominent Republican club in Bell County. Renew or join Central Texas RW. We need you!
We are thrilled to bring you our February Red Roof Connections program, featuring Guest Presenter John Fisher, which Central Texas Republican Women and Bell County Young Republicans will host.
Situational awareness, which is having a plan and strategy for safety, is an essential resource. Guest presenter John Fisher presents the 2-hour course. Schools, businesses, and community members frequently request CRASE-Law enforcement officers and agencies for direction and presentations on what to do if confronted with an active shooter event. The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course, designed and built on the Avoid, Deny Defend (ADD) strategy developed by ALERRT in 2004, provides strategies, guidance, and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. Topics include the history and prevalence of active shooter events, civilian response options, medical issues, and considerations for conducting drills.
The course is designed to start the foundation of “What to do, in the event of…” The desire is to encourage questions and begin the thought process for individuals, families, businesses, and other large congregations or bodies. This course is not designed to give answers but to entice the thought process. Each person, family, business, etc, is different. This is a foundation for what you can and/or need to do, and you could refine it to your abilities and capabilities.
When: Monday, February 24, 2025
When: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Where: Harris Community Center
401 N. Alexander Street, Belton, TX
Cost: $10 cash/check at door or $12 credit card
RSVP to pay at the door: rsvpctrw@gmail.com
More about our Speaker: John Fisher
Former Special Agent. Texas Department of Public Safety Executive Protection Bureau Governor’s Detail
John has a combined 25+ years of experience in law enforcement. He is proudly married to his bride, Rosanne, for 27 years. They have a multi-generational house household with their son, Tobie (27), and Rosanne’s mother, Jan, who moved in with them shortly after the passing of her husband, Ed.
Prior to his 20+ with DPS, John was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a military police K-9 handler for 4 years. He was certified to work with both types of military working dogs, bomb/patrol and narcotics/patrol working dogs. During his time, he did special operations with the United States Secret Service in support of the POTUS, VPOTUS, Visiting Dignitaries and CBIRF (Chemical Biological Incident Response Force).
After the Marine Corps, he became part of DPS in the Texas Highway Patrol in 2002 and as a State Trooper in New Braunfels, Comal County, for approximately 8 years. This time consisted of patrolling the rural highways of Comal County, disaster assistance throughout the State of Texas, and border operations concentrating on DWI, accident investigations, missing or abducted children, narcotics/weapons trafficking, and stolen vehicles. He also assisted the Sheriff’s office with calls for service.
In 2010, he had the opportunity to become part of the Governor’s Protective Detail under the Perry Administration and continues to serve under the Abbott Administration. He has also served with the Dewhurst and Patrick administrations, which is a much smaller detail(s). During his time on the Governor’s Detail, he has experience with several Gubernatorial, Senatorial, and Presidential Campaigns and Inaugural Balls. John has experience with several national and international trips as a Lead Advance, Advance team Motorcade Operations, and Body Agent. All of which require the ability to think on your feet and make command decisions with professionalism and political tact.
He has experience responding to several natural disasters, Presidential (POTUS) events, and Enhanced Security Operations as a Special Agent to assist the uniformed division(s) with security entities nationally and internationally. This includes securing the Governor’s Mansion and contending with events such as the George Floyd protests locally and public and private meetings with heads of state internationally.
John has always been one who enjoys helping others. He enjoys it when he can help people, help themselves, and allow them to be empowered. He has the belief of… he can and will do it for you, but… if he can help you do it yourself, then we are all better from it. The more we know as a society, the better each of us will be. A phrase from the Chinese proverb: He would rather teach someone to fish rather than give them a fish, or from Matthew 4:19, “Be Fishers of Men.”.
This training is designed not to tell you what to do but rather to show you what has been done in the past. It is designed to help you change your mindset and be better prepared for when/if you find yourself in such a difficult position. It is designed to have you ask questions, change your perspective, and not live in fear but, rather live more prepared.
Bring a friend and join CTRW. We need you! Central Texas Republican Women—"Educating and Empowering Women For Better Government in Bell County and All Across Texas."​
Engage * Encourage * Educate Republicans E3R
Central Texas Republican Women, PAC
CTRW Community Engagement Chair, Cyndie Pursell